Etiqueta: Literature

Brandon Sanderson para JD

Brandon Sanderson: «I want to show in my writing that there is something inherently good inside human beings»

Photography: Jorge Quiñoa (Versión en castellano aquí) Before starting the interview, the writer Brandon Sanderson (Nebraska, 1975) has lunch with his collaborators of Team Sanderson Spain and chats about Gaudí, chocolate with churros and the fact that Spain is the country with most fans in continental Europe. His epic fantasy novels […]

David Remnick para Jot Down
English, Entrevistas, Sociedad

David Remnick : «Let’s not to be romantic about the uniformed brilliant quality of all journalism in the pre-internet age. There was a lot of crap»

(Versión en español) The New Yorker is a temple of good journalism that manages to endure in the middle the economic and talent crisis that ravages the sector. The New Yorker, even in tough economic times, is a profitable magazine, and Remnick’s strategy is to thrive in the internet age […]